Introduction: Bachelor Chow - 1 Oatmeal Cookie - Just One!

About: I'm an environmentally conscious experimenter who loves to bring people together, build things, and when possible...blow things up! See us on YouTube too!
 Ever want a cookie, but didn't want to head down to the store in the middle of the night to get it? Me too. Faced with this dilemma, I thought about making a cookie. That's right, just one cookie!
I got the recipe and did the math to get the recipe down so you guys can make just one cookie.
Ready? Here we go.

Step 1: Tools and Materials Needed


Toaster oven
Large Cereal Bowl
Baking pan
Measuring spoons
Kitchen timer
Oven mitt or pot holder


1 packet - Quaker® Instant Oatmeal (make sure to use Quaker® because I get a royalty payment from every one sold)
1 Tablespoons - Butter (if you don't mind transfats, this is coincidentally equal to one packet  of KFC's "Buttery" spead)
2 Teaspoons - Sugar (4 sugar cubes or two sugar packets from the local coffee house)
2½ Teaspoons - Egg (beaten) What?!?!? You don't have eggs? I knew that. Use 1 Tablespoon of Mayo (equal to one packet from Weinerschnitzel or Chik-Fil-A) Applesauce or smashed banana would work too if you have them handy.
3½ Tablespoons - Flour (breadcrumbs might work, but I haven't tried it)
A tiny pinch of baking soda and another of salt.

Makes one cookie, approximately 200 calories (like you really care).

2 Tablespoons - Raisins or Chocolate Chips (as if you're going to have those hanging around)

Step 2: Preheat Your Toaster Oven

 Preheat your Toaster Oven to 350°. Do it now because the rest of this is going to go really fast and you don't want to be waiting around

Step 3: Mix It Up!

 Add all the ingredients to a large cereal bowl and mash it up together. Use your fingers and mash it until it becomes a doughy consistency.
It should all stick together in a single blob. If it's too dry, add 1 Teaspoon of water and continue to mix.

Step 4: Make a Patty!

 Just as you would do with a hamburger, form the dough into a patty about ½" thick. Place the patty on a nonstick baking pan. If it's not a nonstick baking pan, just grease the pan a little with some butter to keep the cookie from sticking.

Step 5: Cook It!

Set your timer to 15 minutes, place the cookie in your toaster oven and start the timer.

Step 6: Remove It From the Oven!

 Don your oven mitt and remove the cookie from the toaster oven. Let it cool for a few minutes (if you can) then scarf it down.

Step 7: Eat!

There it is. One cookie made from stuff on hand. 
Special thanks to Scoochmaroo and Cakegrrl for ingredient substitution advice.