Introduction: 1920's Thompson [Tommy] Machine Gun (TMG)

About: If you have any requests, please, don't hesitate to send me a private message. (Not all guns get made, but all suggestions get seen).
A blast from the WAYYYY past, the Thompson (Tommy) Gun was the Mafia's signature weapon to strike fear in the hearts in New York's citizens. Now, make your own and put it into the hands of your favorite bionicle figure!

Step 1: TMG Part 1

Step 2: TMG Part 2

The x-bar you see in the picture is a length of 3

Step 3: TMG Part 3

Step 4: TMG Part 4

Step 5: TMG Part 5

Step 6: TMG Part 6

Step 7: TMG Part 7 (end)

The reason this one was so simple to make is because it was my first lego gun. I just uploaded the submachine gun first because I wanted to make a good first impression into the instructables community.