Introduction: 3d Printer Bed Leveling Jig

About: lost my arm at 18, now I'm hacking stuff for disabled people (or animals)

This is a simple bed leveling jig using simple and cheap parts.

All we need are a tiny magnet, a T-slot nut and a metal ruler.

M4 Slide in Economy T-Nut Block

Metal Ruler

Step 1: Remove the Y Axis Bearing.

Use the allen wrench included with the printer to loosen the screws holding the tensioning bearing in place and insert the T-nut.

Step 2: Attach the Ruler to the T-nut

Use the magnet (or use a piece of a magnet) to hold the ruler onto the T-nut.

Step 3: Use the Screws to Adjust the Level Using Bed Visulizer to Aid Leveling

Now just move the ruler to each corner and adjust it until all 4 corners the same height on the ruler and check your progress on the Bed Visualizer in Octoprint. It's usually good if you have it within a millimeter. Now just put it back together and get printing!

Tip: use a hefty enough ruler that it moves with the bed, if its too light it will be a pain.

Metal Contest

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