Introduction: 7 Uses for Bacon!

With this Instructable, I will be showing you different uses for bacon. This will give a whole new set of purposes for bacon. Most of them might seem whacky but hey, I'm just brainstorming here. I don't eat bacon...or pork for that matter...but I love inventing new uses for them. Enjoy!

Step 1: Food

This is the most basic use for bacon. A whole variety of cookbooks and websites offer recipes for delicious bacon dishes . Like I said before, I don't eat bacon but I invent new uses for them. So let's consider this a bonus . :)

Step 2: Wounds and Bruises

This may sound strange but yes - meat is used to heal wounds and bruises . Why? Meat is refrigerated. Since it absorbs the coldness , it would be very cold . Meat also has the tendency to 'store' the coldness. Therefore, you can use meat (bacon on this subject) to heal bruises and wounds.

Step 3: Fashionable Accessory

Bacon strips can be used as wristbands as a fashionable accessory . It basically has 2 uses.

1. Fashion
2. Food (either for you or for your dog)

Step 4: Nightlight

Sounds weird? Yeah. It did sound weird when this idea popped into my mind. Weird but easy!

1. Get a lightbulb
2. Simply cover it with a thin layer of bacon

WARNING: This idea wasn't tested yet. Burns are a probability.

Step 5: Games

Not really games. But props for games . Bacon can be used as blindfolds , 'balls' for throwing, strips for whacking, and for more! Just add a bit of creativity to create a game with bacon-based stuff. Plus you can eat it after playing !

Step 6: Sunglasses?

Yes. Sunglasses. Picture this:
You are lying down on the beach. Trying to take a nap. Then the sun comes out from behind a cloud and BOOM. Sunlight is blinding you.

Simple solution: Sunglasses

Bacon-ic solution: Bacon sunglasses !

Simply place a piece of bacon (fresh from the fridge!) and place it over your eyes. It protects your eyes from sunlight and it's refreshing !

Refer to 'Wounds and Bruises'

Step 7: Beauty Secret?

This beauty secret thing is just another idea that popped into my mind. Remember those women who have these cucumber things on their eyes ? Well, I had a hypothesis that bacon can be used as an alternative . Sounds disgusting ? Yeah.

Step 8: Umbrella

Umbrella made from bacon sounds expensive. I mean how much bacon would you need? A lot, obviously. But still, bacon can be used as umbrellas. Don't believe me? Try it! I haven't tried it yet...

Step 9: Insert Your Idea Here!

Anything else you came up with? Share it with us!