Introduction: 8 Foil Life Hacks

About: Hi, I am a student i love to create different projects its my talent and i love to invent something cheaper ...

In this project, I will show you different ways that you can use foil to get benefits..


Aluminum Foil

Step 1: Sealing a Plastic Bag With Foil

You can seal plastic bags with aluminum foil as seen in the video...

Step 2: Small Pocket Heater

You can use a AA battery and a foil sheet to warm up your pockets and hands.

Step 3: Perfectly Press Tie

You can use a foil sheet to press a perfect tie.

Step 4: Cell Hack

You can use foil sheet to fit a AAA cell in AA sockets by create a small foil ball as foil sheet conduct electricity so it was a good trick if you run out of batteries

Step 5: Clean Grills Using Foil

You can use a Foil Sheet to Clean Oven Grills Can be Seen in the Video Above.

Step 6: Use Foil During Paint Activities

Use foil paper to protect different objects from getting paint accidently...

Step 7: Sharpning Scissors With Foil

Use Foil Sheet to Sharp the Scissors

Step 8: Light Up Fire With Foil Paper

You can use foil paper to create fire can be use in extreme conditions when low resources are available.