It’s not the lack of beauty in life, but the lack of the eyes to find the beauty. However,we are busy in working and living, finally the high speed lifestyle leads to numb eyes. Therefore, I created a picture frame called ‘Slow Down’which helps you relief your eyes to enjoy happiness of birdsong, flowers and even a feather….

Step 1:

Do you remember a sloth called Flash in the movie ‘Zootopia’? His slow actions really make everyone go crazy! Imaging how slowly he is, so does the slow dance picture frame! Once you put a feather, a flower, or a leaf to the frame, it will dance with much grace, swaying so silently and so slowly like slow motions as we seen in the movies. When you look at the frame, the time stops, the magic dance makes you forget about abundant tasks and worries, absorbing in the silent pleasure.

Hereby, I made an application based on Firebeetle ESP32 - a slow dance picture frame. Firstly, here is the accomplished object.

Step 2:


Stuffs in need:

12V 1A power supply

Wooden frame (depth:35mm, about 10 inch)

steel spring plats(depth: 0.3mm)

Iron bars/ screws/nails(length: about 60mm)

Enameled copper wires(0.41mm)

Magnet ×2

Hot melt adhesive

Electronic products in need:

FireBeetle ESP32 board

12V 1A power supply module

MOSFET DC switch ×2

3D designing:

Step 3:

I have printed a cannon model with 3D printer to hide coils. It looks better to twist copper coils to the surface of traverse and plug the core to the middle. (You can also twist coils to the core.)

Operating process

Step 4: Prepare Coils.

Take and twist enameled copper wires to surface of traverse for about 4 to 5 layers. After the twist, plug the prepared core to coils.

Step 5:

Step 6: Allocate LEDs to Inner Part of the Frame.

Divide LEDs belt to 3 parts, every part of 60cm and solders them in parallel.

Step 7:

Stick up the LED belt to the inner part of the frame.

Step 8:

Step 9: Connect Electronic Modules.

Connect 6 parts according to the image as below:

Step 10:

The image of connected modules, shown as below:

Step 11:

Step 12: Assemble and Install.

In the beginning, fix electronic modules to the frame.

Step 13:

Then, fix steel spring plats and connect coils.

Step 14:

Finally, cover electronic modules with 3D printing crust.

Step 15:

The accomplishment of assemble and install

Step 16: Download Programs in Need.


//Use the first channel and the last channel of 16 channels

#define LEDC_CHANNEL_0 0

#define LEDC_CHANNEL_15 15

//Use 13 timing precision timing

#define LEDC_TIMER_13_BIT 13

//Use 90Hz and 89Hz respectively to control LED lights and electromagnets

#define LEDC_BASE_FREQ1 90

#define LEDC_BASE_FREQ2 89

//Define pin25 and pin26 respectively to control LED lights and electromagnets

#define LED_PIN1 25

#define LED_PIN2 26

//The channel takes the space ratio setting function, whose value must be between 0 and 255.

void ledcAnalogWrite(uint8_t channel, uint32_t value, uint32_t valueMax = 255) {

uint32_t duty = (8191 / valueMax) * min(value, valueMax); //calculate duty, 8191 from 2 ^ 13 - 1 ledcWrite(channel, duty);//Set the channel to fill the void ratio


//LED lights are flipped every 500 milliseconds.

void flash()


static boolean output = LOW;

digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, output);

output = !output;


void setup() {

//Set the PWM channel 0 to the pin25 pins and set the timer for 13 timing precision

//The frequency is set to 90Hz


ledcAttachPin(LED_PIN1, LEDC_CHANNEL_0);

//Set the channel 0 to account for 60

ledcAnalogWrite(LEDC_CHANNEL_0, 60);

//Set PWM wave channel 15 to pin26 pin and set timer for 13 timing precision

//The frequency is set to 89Hz


ledcAttachPin(LED_PIN2, LEDC_CHANNEL_15);

//Set the channel 15 to account for 60

ledcAnalogWrite(LEDC_CHANNEL_15, 60);

//Light up the work indicator light


digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);


void loop() {

//The LED is reversed once every 500ms, indicating that the program is running normally






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