Introduction: The Easy Way to Lose Weight, Get Rid of Stretch Marks & Sagging Skin!!

Thank you all SO much for your patience!! If you have been following my previous 'Instructables' you will know that I run my own weight loss classes ('Weight Loss For Life'), and that they have been full for a longtime which meant I had been turning people away which really frustrated me.  So I started to update my blog site which is now complete and includes the tips, tricks and advice from my weekly classes, which means that anyone can feel like they are part of the classes but from the comfort of their own home!! My blog address is:, so check it out, and don´t worry it´s free to join!!

One of last weeks topics was: Skin Care:- Don´t Let Your Body Sabotage Your Weight Loss!!

We seriously underestimate the effects that losing weight and yo-yo dieting can have on our skin, and if these issues aren´t addressed now, BEFORE the weight loss begins, and depending on how much weight you want to lose, you could be left with stretch marked, wrinkled & sagging skin! These skin issues may not just affect the areas where you carry most of your extra weight, they can also effect the areas you would least expect, for example: your neck, cheeks, eye area, chest, arms and legs. But don´t worry, my class members and I have tried and tested hundreds of products over the years, and know which ones actually work and which ones are just pretty packaging!!

Step 1: Will Sagging Skin, Stretch Marks and Wrinkly Crinkly Skin Effect You?

Skin care is THE most important part of losing weight. By following the online tips, tricks and advice that I post on a regular basis you will lose weight that´s the easy part, but what we have to address first is your skin care regime.

After discovering the very scary and life long damage that could have been done to my skin through weight loss, I started to test different products as did my class members. And we came to the logical conclusion that we had to develop an intensive skin care regime that would prevent all of the tell tale signs of weight loss and for our entire body.

Now if you just want to lose a few pounds, or less than 10% of your body weight you won´t be affected as much as someone who wants to lose more, but it also depends on how you lose the weight. If you drop the weight very quickly then you may still be affected by these skin issues, but if you follow the tried and tested techniques that we use in my weight loss classes you will minimize the chances of your skin being affected.

Step 2: Dont Let Wrinkles and Saggy Skin Age YOU!!

With help from my class members and friends who worked for a laboratory we developed “The Vital Skin Care Regime”, which combats & prevents the harrowing effects that can happen to your skin as a result of the weight gain/weight loss cycle.

Follow the steps below to successfully lose weight and prevent irreversible damage to your skin:

1. Source a very good quality anti-aging face cream for day and night. The reason for this is that your face is the first and most noticeable place to lose weight.

You need to use it religiously and preferably get a separate day and night cream as they have different healing properties. Apply it to your face (obviously), neck and décolletage every morning and night. This will prevent you from forming a wattle, and jowls. These are simply a side effect of the weight loss that WILL age you by ten years, as your skin has lost most of its elasticity. Creams that contain the ingredient Lipofirm (recommended by lab technicians) are excellent as they firm and plump your skin (similar to Botox), preventing the appearance of wrinkles that will come from sagging skin.

Step 3: Prevent Bags & Dark Circles Appearing Under Your Eyes

2. The next area on your face where you will see the change in skin elasticity is under your eyes. This is because of gravity, and when we lose weight from our face the skin sags and pulls the rest of the skin downwards.

This in itself can create a sallow, almost hollow appearance around the eye socket area. So finding yourself a product for application under the eyes that contains retinol (and if you’re lucky like I was, an eye serum that had a simulated Botox effect), will counter act this. There are serums on the market that also combat dark circles and wrinkles so try and find one that addresses all 3 of these.

Step 4: Tackle Cellulite & Stretch Marks at the Same Time!!

3. The next step is to find an all over body moisturizer that tackles cellulite and stretch marks. The key in preventing stretch marks is to keep your skin moisturized at all times.

Drink plenty of water and find an anti-cellulite cream that can be used all over your body and preferably one that contains Botaderm. Botaderm is an excellent ingredient that tackles cellulite at a cellular level, and will keep your skin well moisturized, which tackles both your stretch marks and your cellulite. By using a cream like this it means that you won´t need to spend a fortune on separate body moisturizers and anti-cellulite creams.

As mentioned previously you MUST drink as much water as you can, not only will this make you feel full, but it will help your skin to stay supple, moisturized and will detoxify your body by flushing any toxins from your body.

Step 5: It Can Happen to Anyone!!

If you follow the above steps you will find that not only will you lose weight but you will be in control of how your body looks, feels and to a degree how it ages. All of the methods used have been tried and tested by men and women alike from my weight loss classes and over a period of 2 years.

Stretch marks and sagging skin can happen as a result of many different things for example: pregnancy, illness or simply growing! But one thing is for certain they can affect all of us and in exactly the same ways!! So if you want to combat them or prevent them from happening, check out the tips and tricks on my blog, or if you have a particularly complex skin care or weight loss query then please don´t hesitate to get in-touch by messaging me on: