Introduction: Arduino Starter Kit

About: Tutorials provided by BA/BSc (Hons) Digital Art and Technology at Plymouth University

There are many Arduino starter kits out there, but most come with a variety of unnecessary components.

This instructable outlines the contents of a cheap and minimal starter kit. All the things you need to get you going with Arduino, with no bells and whistles.

For each component, we provide a link to Hobby Components Ltd (a reliable UK supplier selling at budget prices). This is mostly for our convenience (they supply all the elements of our kit). Other suppliers are available (check out this list for one near you)

Step 1: Arduino Board

Various Arduinos are available, probably the most flexible and compatible is the UNO

Step 2: Breadboard

In order to construct even the most straight forward circuits, you are going to need a breadboard and some wires

Step 3: LEDs

A lot of simple projects require LEDs or if you want to go a little bit fancy, you could opt for an RGB LED

Step 4: Buttons

If you want to be able provide input to your project you are probably going to need some buttons

Step 5: Dials

Dials (potentiometers) are also great for input

Step 6: Switches

Switches can sometimes be useful too !

Step 7: Light Sensor

A light sensor (LDR) can also be useful for sensing the environment

Step 8: Servos

To make things move in the real world, servo motors are great

Step 9: Enjoy

The components described in this instructable should be enough to get you going.

Check out our getting started tutorials for a range of Arduino projects.

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