Introduction: Awesome Biking Sunglasses From an Old Alarm Clock

About: I love stuff that i can make from stuff around the house, cheap and easy! 3. …

Have you ever wanted a cool pair of sunglasses for when you are biking, but find out that they are too expensive? It doesn't have to be expensive, in fact, you can even make your own.

Step 1: Materials

Most of this you should have around the house;

Duct tape
3 Popsicle sticks
The red front to an old alarm clock

Step 2: Duct Tape the Edges

The edges are most likely very hard and uncomfortable. to fix this you will need to put a thin strip of Duct tape over the edges. This makes it soft and comfy to wear.

Step 3: The Ear Parts

To make the part of the sunglasses that go over your ears and keep the glasses in place, you must use 3 Popsicle sticks. Tape one popsicle stick sticking out of the back of the sunglasses, Dust tape them in place. Then break the other popsicle stick and put one half on the end of each popsicle stick. Put them at an (approx.) 20-30 degree angle. Adjust to fit you.

Step 4: You're Done!

You are now finished with your cool biking glasses. These glasses block more glare than normal glasses would. It is very nice for biking. There is a crack in my glasses because I was being stupid and ran my face into the handlebars. If i wasn't wearing my glasses, i would have easily broken my nose.

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