Introduction: Baked Mashed Potato Witch Fingers

About: Food Blogger at Love is in my tummy. Food photographer, content writer, recipe creator, designer and novice gardener, among other things..

This Halloween, try this VEGAN, Gluten-free Mashed Potato Witch fingers with no artificial colors - a very interesting appetizer to serve at your party this year!

First published here. If you like it, please vote for it in the Halloween Food contest. Thanks!


1 large russet potato, cooked and mashed

2 tbsp. oil/butter

Salt, to taste

35 skinned and roasted almond halves

1 tsp. red chilli powder / paprika

1/4 tsp. turmeric (optional)

1/2 tbsp. cornflour (optional)

Step 1: Mix All the Ingredients

In a medium mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients with a fork, mashing as you combine till it forms a soft dough.

Step 2: Shape the Fingers

Take about 1 tsp of potato dough in your palms, roll into a 'finger', tapering the tip and flattening the bottom. Place an almond half in place of a 'nail' and use a small knife to score 'knuckles'. Place onto a large baking tray lined with parchment paper. Repeat until you run out of dough.

Step 3: Bake!

Bake in a preheated oven at 400°F/200°C for 20-30 minutes until browned on the bottom, soft and gooey on the inside. Transfer to a wire rack to cool slightly before serving.

Step 4: Enjoy!

Dip into this Beetroot Ketchup (instead of regular ketchup) for a real 'blood-like' effect! Enjoy!

Halloween Food Contest 2016

Participated in the
Halloween Food Contest 2016