Introduction: Berry Brain Blast

About: A fitness Instructor, active mother of 3

Gooey, creamy and full of flavor. This nutritious concoction resembles squished brains!

Chia pudding topped with berries takes seconds to make and is a great snack, breakfast of dessert!

Chia is full of Omega 3's, fiber, vitamin and minerals, that's why they call it Brain food!

Step 1: Ingredients

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 tbsp. Hemp seeds

1 tsp dried chopped fruit (cranberries, raisins, apples etc)

1/2 cup milk or dairy free beverages

2-3 assorted berries

Pour the milk/liquid over the seeds and dried fruit. Stir, refrigerate and stir again in 1/2-1hr.

Top with berries.

I pureed some berries for the look of messy blood which is great for kids.

Snacks Contest 2016

Participated in the
Snacks Contest 2016

Deceptive Desserts Contest

Participated in the
Deceptive Desserts Contest