Introduction: Brightness Controller Circuit for LED Strip Using IRF540 MOSFET

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Hii friend,

Today I am going to make a circuit of Brightness controller for LED Strip.This circuit is working very well. Let's get started,

Step 1: Take All Components As Shown Below

This circuit required very less components as given below -

(1.) MOSFET - IRF540 x1

(2.) Potentiometer - 100K x1 {Variable resistor}

(3.) LED Strip x1

(4.) Power supply - 12V DC

(5.) Connecting wires

Step 2: Pins of IRF540 MOSFET

This picture shows the pinout of this MOSFET.

1. Gate,

2. Drain and

3. Source of this MOSFET.

Step 3: Connect MOSFET to Potentiometer

Firstly we have to connect the MOSFET to Potentiometer.

Solder Gate pin of MOSFET to Middle pin of the potentiometer and

Solder Drain pin of the MOSFET to 3rd pin of the potentiometer as you can see in the picture.

Step 4: Connect LED Strip Wire

Next we have to connect the wires of LED Strip to the potentiometer.

Solder +ve wire of LED Strip to Source pin of the MOSFET and

solder -ve wire of LED Strip to the 1st pin of potentiometer as solder in the picture.

Step 5: Connect Power Supply Wire

Next we have to connect the input power supply wire to the circuit.

Solder +ve Input power supply wire to 3rd pin of the Potentiometer and

Solder -ve input power supply wire to 1st pin of the potentiometer as you can see in the picture.

Step 6: Low Brightness

Now give input power supply and rotate the knob of potentiometer.

As for example you can see in this picture.when I rotate very less then LED strip gives less light.

NOTE : We have to give 12V [2A] DC Input Power supply.

Step 7: Medium Brightness

NOTE : If MOSFET get heated the please connect heatsink to the MOSFET.

Step 8: Full Brightness

Thank you