Introduction: Camera Secret Compartment

About: I love to ski and bike. I also like to make stuff.

This is a simple solution to hiding money and other small objects. No one would think to check the battery space of a camera.

Step 1: Get Materials

You will need two things: an old camera that doesn't work and something to hide. That's it.

Step 2: Prep

Open the battery compartment and take put the batteries. If you have a really small object you could just take out one battery for it.

Step 3: Fold Bill

Fold your dollar bill so it will fit inside the space. If your object doesn't need folding, then obviously you can skip this step.

Step 4: You're Done

Close cover. You are done hiding your secret object. Please vote for me and follow me.

Secret Doors and Compartments Contest

Participated in the
Secret Doors and Compartments Contest