Introduction: Cassette Tape Wallet

Now that everything is up and running (my pics uploaded and "boxed")...

Here's my wallet that I've planned, designed and created.

I've had this collection of tapes sitting around for quite some time now and have been trying to figure out what to do with them. Now I've figured out what to do with a few.

Almost forgot the Warnings: Hot stuff... Do NOT touch. Fumes..... Do NOT breathe in. Sharp objects.... Have an adult help you.

Step 1: Materials Needed

You'll need:
1. Soldering iron
2. Hot glue gun
3. Cassette tape
4. Cassette tape case
5. 1 film canister (lid too)
6. Small Screwdriver
7. Electrical wire
8. One LED lead (leg)
9. A copper BB (or a bead of solder)
10. Scissors
11. Lamination sheet
12. Laminator
13. Wax paper and regular paper
14. Money
15. Credit/shopping cards
16. Wire cutters
17. Pliers

In the first picture, you can see the prototype :P

Step 2: Card Holder

1. Take your cassette tape apart by removing the five screws holding it together.
2. Remove all the junk from inside.
3. Use the wire cutters to remove the plastic inside (see pictures)
4. Next, we will use the soldering iron to smooth out the cut away plastic (do in well vented area)
5. Once you've completely gutted the inside, place the pieces back together (without the screws). At least 4 cards should be able to fit inside without it popping open again.

6. Use pliers to hold the tape upright and together.
7. Cut off 3 pieces of wire, each about .75" long.
8. Use the soldering iron against a nail (hold the nail with pliers) to melt holes in the top of the tape case. These holes will be the hinges.
9. Insert each piece of wire into the case and loop them into the other side.
10. Use hot glue to hold them in place.

You should now be able to open and close the tape case on its "hinges.

Step 3: The Bill Holder

Next we will focus on the main holder.

1. Open up the Cassette Tape Case and separate the sides by unhinging them.
2. Use the wire cutters to remove the two plastic pillars on the left side of the case.
3. Cut the film canister in half and remove the bottom.
4. Trim the canister down to 1.25" wide. Keep the full height.
5. Place it on the left side of the case and use the soldering iron to melt them together on the sides. Keep a slight pressure on the top of the canister in the middle.
6. Melt some hot glue onto the areas you melted together.

Step 4: The Change Holder

1. Now take the film canister cap (must be like the one in the picture) and cut it almost in half.
2. Take the larger of the two sides and position it at the top left of the left side of the case.
3. Trim a small amount off the bottom of the lid (otherwise the case won't close all the way).
4. Take the LED lead and use the hot iron on it while holding it (with pliers) in the place you want the pivot to be at.
5. Do the same with the case and push half of the lead through.
6. Bend the lead over on both sides. Glue the one on the outside of the case.

7. Use the soldering iron to make a divot in the case where the "latch" will be.
8. Place the copper BB in the divot. Place the soldering iron on top of the BB and hold it there until the BB starts to melt into the case. Once the BB is sunk a bit, swing the lid over the top of the BB (watch out, it's still hot) and push it down to melt a "latch" hole.

There you have it, the change holder.

Step 5: The ID Window

Now for your ID...

1. Take a piece of paper and measure the inside of the right side of the case.
2. Next figure out where the ID will be and trace.
3. Cut out the ID trace (minus one side)
4. Measure out a piece of wax paper and wrap it snugly around the paper.
5. Place this into a lamination sheet and into the laminator.
6. Use the tracings to cut out the correct dimensions of the holder (cut away the plastic).
7. Cut off one side of the plastic and you should be able to remove the piece of paper with no problem. The wax paper will still be stuck and will stay.
8. Cut a groove into one side of the holder and insert your ID.
9. Now either glue or tape your holder to the inside right side of the case.

I was going to place in some SMD LEDs into the cassette tape and create a photo window section, but ran out of time.

This is my wallet and I'm proud of it :P

Step 6: Finished Product

Here's the finished product (at least until I can upgrade it)....

See video below :)