Introduction: Changing Yarn When Crocheting

When you need to change color or add more yarn, I have found a great transition that is barely noticeable. On the last step of a stitch, loop new yarn on hook and bring through last step. Crochet your stitches over the two loose ends for a neat and sturdy junction.

Step 1: Step 1

As you are finishing the last step of a stitch, like below is the last step of a single crochet. The last two loops are on the hook.

Step 2: Step 2

With the two loops on the hook, wrap the new color or additional yarn around the hook.

Step 3: Step 3

Pull the new color or addition through the two loops of the stitch.

Step 4: Step 4

Now continue with the pattern, working over the two ends. This will hide them nicely.

Step 5: Step 5

Now continue with the single crochet and pull loop through.

Step 6: Step 6

Remember to make sure that you are working over the loose ends!

Step 7: Ending

As you can see by the pic below, I have worked single crochet over the loose ends. You can see the ends sticking out. Once you have crocheted over them enough to secure them, trim ends.

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