Introduction: Cheap Rapid Cord Attachment ( Knotless Gear Tie )

I had been inspired by some existing products like fishbone, piranha and especially loop alien and tried to figure out how they work.

Especially loop alien is essentially a ring with something protruding on the outer surface. So I realized that the same tasks(or at least some of them) could be performed by something much cheaper and easy to find.

The first idea of a suitable ring with something protruding was a bunch of spare (ikea) curtains rings.

Step 1: Sliding Bond

This is the sliding bond used to tension cables for tends, tarps etc.

Step 2: Non Sliding Bond

pull a pinch through the hole

then twist the pinch

put the twisted pinch over the protrusion

Step 3: Non Sliding Bond - End of Line - Little Ring

Step 4: Hang a Loop (ring on the Line)

This is useful to hang a loop(like a lanyard of a knife, torch, camera, compass,etc) or a noose at the end of another cord at the end of a line in a way very easy to detach. I't useful to hang things and to lift things when you have a large number of loads to lift.

In this case the ring is not attached to the loop of the object.

Step 5: Hang a Loop (ring on the Loop)

This is useful to hang a loop(like a lanyard of a knife, torch, camera, compass,etc) or a noose in the middle of another line(for example a clothes line) in a way very easy to detach. In this case the ring is attached to the loop of the object.

This is useful also to connect 2 different lines ending in 2 nooses

the video shows how to connect and disconnect respectively.