Introduction: Chess Piece

This is a chess piece I've made for a school project. 

Step 1: Step 1

I made a mindmap and I selected 5 keywords to make a chess piece with.

Step 2: Step 2

What can I do with the five keywords (stubborn, stressed, vacation, spontaneous, following my own way)?

Stubborn, vacation and follow my own path: a kind of a sun. the middle circle is what people want me to do and the arrows around it is what I really do and the way I follow.

Stressed: the word stressed

spontaneous: the smileys

Step 3: Step 3

Combine these things together in a sketchup model

Step 4: Step 4

3D print the sketchup model with the 3D-printer. This step was unsuccesfull, because the printer was broken. The words and smileys are not readable and the tiara totally failed.

Step 5: Step 5

The chess piece is printed but is not successfully finished.