Introduction: Choco Surprise 'Date'

As the name suggests it the simple recipe containing Dates, chocolate and surprise..

for making choco surprise "date" we need

chocolate dark compound and milk compound


surprise- i have taken rose petals jam because it has striking flavor and taste ( you can take your favorite flavor jam or chopped dry fruits, cashews etc)

Step 1: Filling Date

remove seeds from dates
take approx. 2 tsps of rose petal jam

fill jam into central part of date (its bit messy work)

try to keep jam at center only.. we don't want any jam coming outside (its difficult task but at least we can try)

Step 2: Melting Chocolate

take dark compound and chop it

take milk compound and chop it

take it in a bowl

then using double boiler method melt the chocolate (direct heating should not be done)

keep it for 2/3 minutes to cool down (only till it gets cooled n proper consistency)

Step 3: Coating Date With Chocolate

now dip those dates into chocolate.. cover them in chocolate and let them dry

put remaining chocolate into molds..

here is a chance that jam might leak from chocolate covered dates.. but for the price of taste that's totally fine..

putting dry ingredients for surprise make these better but for the love of rose petal jam i put that as a surprise.

i hope you will like them

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Date Night Dinners Challenge

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