Introduction: Crochet BB8 Pattern

About: I love anything craft or fandom related. (Both combined is the best)

This is a fun crochet pattern for the BB8 droid from Star Wars, the Force Awakens.

Abbreviations used:

St / sts: Stitch / Stitches

Ch: Chain

Sc: Single crochet

Sl st: Slip Stitch

Step 1: Materials

What you'll need:

4.25 mm hook

White, grey, black, and orange medium weight yarn

Yarn needle


Polyfill or cotton balls

Stitch marker

Step 2: Main Body

First you're going to crochet a basic ball for the body with white. Here's the pattern, or you can use your own:

Make a magic ring and sc six times inside. Sl st to beginning and ch 1.

  1. Two sc in each st around.
  2. *One sc in next st, two sc in next* around.
  3. *Sc in next two sts, two sc in next* around.
  4. *Sc in next three sts, two sc in next* around.
  5. *Sc in next four sts, two sc in next* around.
  6. Sc around for five rows.
  7. *Sc in next five sts, skip one st, sc in next (decrease)* around.
  8. *Sc in next four sts, decrease in next* around.
  9. *Sc in next three sts, decrease in next* around.
  10. *Sc in next two sts, decrease in next* around.
  11. Stuff firmly with polyfill or cotton balls.
  12. *Sc in next st, decrease in next* around.
  13. Decrease around and fasten off.

Step 3: Finishing the Body

With orange and grey yarn, use a yarn needle to sew the designs on the robot's body.

Step 4: Head

With grey,

Make a magic ring and sc 9 inside. Sl st to join.

Ch 1, increase (two sc in each st) in each st across. Sl st to join.

Ch 1, *sc in next stitch, increase in next*, across. Sl st to join. Ch 1, *sc in next two stitches, increase in next*, around. Sc in each st across in back loops. Fasten off grey.

Attach white. sc around and join with sl st. Attach orange and sc around, joining with sl st. Attach white again. *ch 1, decrease, *sc in next three sts, decrease in next*, around. Join with sl st.

Ch 1, sc in next st, decrease in next, around. Stuff firmly and decrease around. Fasten off.

Step 5: Finishing

With black yarn and a smaller hook, make a magic ring and sc eight times inside. Sl st to beginning and sew the circle onto the robot's head. With a sewing needle, sew the black bead next to the larger black circle. Sew the head onto the body. Your BB8 is complete!

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