Introduction: Crochet Cowl and Hat

About: Yes. Citizen of heaven. John 3:16.

I made this crochet pattern up, mimicking something that my grandmother knit when I was young. It is super cool because it can be either a cowl or a hat, with a drawstring at the top.

It works as a perfect gift for friends and family and one size fits all!





Crochet Hook

Skills needed:


Double crochet

Slip stitch

Step 1: Foundation

To begin, chain 80, then slip stitch into the very first chain you created. Next chain 2.

Step 2: Row #1

Place 1 double crochet in the first 5 stitches, then chain one. Skip one stitch and place a double crochet in the next 5. Repeat this pattern all the way around. Slip stitch into the first double crochet of the round and chain 2.

Step 3: Rows #2-15

For rows 2-15: chain 2, place one double crochet in each stitch around and then slip stitch into the first double crochet of the round.

Step 4: Creating the String

To make the draw string simply chain 120. Optional: create 1 knot on both ends.

Step 5: Hat AND Cowl

Weave the string of chains in and out through the holes we created in round 1. To make it into a hat, simply pull on both ends of the string evenly and make a tie a knot or bow.

Winter Fun Challenge

Participated in the
Winter Fun Challenge