Introduction: Crystal Chrysalis

About: Rin Lundall is a jewellery artist with a background in design and photography. She attended the Eastern Institute of Technology in Napier, NZ to develop fundamental skills and gain her BVAD. Her interest in j…

Learn how to make a home for your crystal.

This pendant can be worn as jewellery or as sun/moon catchers in your window.

Step 1: You Will Need...


Waxed cotton, nylon or tigertail (approx. 1m) *I’ve used sil925 soft flex tigertail - 49 strand/0.48mm

A gemstone of choice

2 x Sil925 crimps

Sil925 charm (optional)


Chain-nose pliers

Wire cutters

Crimping pliers (optional)

Small ball of beeswax

Step 2: Making a Loop...

Thread tigertail through the crimp twice, making a small loop.

Tighten the loop until you have an ideal size for the top of your crustal to hang from. (I use 5mm diameter for larger crystals)

Secure the tigertail using crimping pliers.

Alternatively if you don’t have these pliers, chain-nose pliers will do the trick- just apply more pressure on the crimp to secure the wire.

Step 3: Preparing Your Crystal...

Trim the excess wire with your cutters

Observe the shape of your crystal- the bottom will be where the crystal tapers off to a smaller area

Warm a small ball of beeswax in your hands & secure to the top of your crystal.

Press the crimped side of the loop you made earlier into to the beeswax ball.

To set, place your crystal in the freezer for around 10 minutes.

Step 4: The First Stitch...

The hardened beeswax should hold the loop in place while you wrap the crystal (You could also use blutac or tape to hold the wire).

Thread the end of your wire through the loop and back behind the wire to create your first stitch.

Holding the wire against the crystal, adjust the size of your stitch by pulling gently on the wire.

Step 5: Making the Net...

Repeat the stitch steps, working your way around the top of your crystal.

Begin the second row by continuing the same process, but this time threading through the bottom of each stitch in your first row to build up your net.

Continue spiraling around the crystal, gently tightening the wire as you go.

The tension in the net creates a secure hold to prevent the crystal slipping out. Also, by working down from the widest pint to the tapered end, your crystal is less likely to fall out over time.

Step 6: Closing Off the Net...

Once you have made your final stitch, pull the wire firmly and thread through your other crimp.

If you decide to add a charm, now is the time to thread it onto the wire next to the crimp.

I have chosen the Tree of Life, a symbol of new beginnings, positive flow of energy, good health and a bright future.:*

Step 7: Adding Your Charm...

Make your final stitch as the loop you made in the first steps.

Tighten the loop to allow the charm to swing comfortably.

If you have chosen to go without a charm, you can make your loop to attach something like a tassle or a piece of chain or a second crystal if you wish.

Using your pliers again, fasten your crimp & trim excess wire to finish.

Finally, choose your cord, chain or leather to hang your crystal from, either to be worn as a necklace or hanging from a window as a sun/moon catcher.

Step 8: The End...

Thank you for being a part of my first instructable!

I am an artist and jewellery maker who lives in beautiful New Zealand. This project has been a great experience, inspiring me to make many more tutorials like this one.

I extend my gratitude to the creators of who have given us the opportunity to share our knowledge.

To contact me & see more of my work, visit:

Oceans of love


Jewelry Contest 2017

Participated in the
Jewelry Contest 2017