Introduction: DIY Back to School! Bow Pencil Case/make Up Bag | Locker Organization

Hi guys!! I’ve been requested in my past videos to make a DIY pencil case, so in today’s video I will show you how to make this cute bow pencil pouch. It is super simple because no sew is needed

You will need:
Some fabric and some Velcro.

Take a piece of fabric with the measurements I’m showing in the video and fold and iron the edges so it makes easier to glue them later.
Take the other piece of fabric, fold it as I’m doing in the video and iron it too.
Take your hot glue gun or some fabric glue and glue down those hems we ironed.
Now, glue the smaller piece to the larger piece on the centre of one of the short sides.
Take some Velcro and glue to the two short sides as I’m doing in the video.

Fold the piece over and close the sides with more glue.
I realized that the fabric wouldn’t bend easily with the Velcro piece so I took out the middle part with scissor. So, it’s better to glue two pieces of the Velcro leaving a gap in the middle to avoid having to do this.

Then put some pens inside, close the pouch so you know exactly where you want the closure to be and glue some more Velcro. And you’re finished!! Using glue instead of sewing really makes this project a lot easier and faster.

I realized you could use this pouch as a makeup bag or use it to organize your locker with some of the things you could need at school like lip balm, hair ties, bobby pins, band aids, blotting papers, a mirror and anything you want.

So that is it for this week, I hope it was useful and have fun personalizing your pouch with your favorite fabric and colors. And don’t forget to show me a picture on twitter if you do because it makes me very happy to see all your creations.

Thanks for watching!