Introduction: DIY IPad Mini/ Smartphone Projector

Don't have the money to buy an expensive projector? Now you can make one from household materials in minutes. Ready?? Well than, let's get started!

Step 1: Materials

What you need:
- old shoebox
- magnifying glass
- Popsicle sticks
- black spray paint
- black electrical tape
- knife or scissors
- hot glue gun

Step 2: Paint

Once you have your shoebox, start to spray paint the entire inside of the box black. Remember, the darker it is inside the box, the better the quality of you projector will be.

Step 3: Fold'n'Tape

Fold the box together with one side up for the magnifying glass, as shown in the photos. Then, tape to stableize.

Step 4: Cut Off the Top (if It Is Attached to the Box)

Use a knife to cut off the folding top of your box.

Step 5: Begin Magnifying Glass Frame

Use sticks to make a frame for the magnifying glass. Follow the photos

Step 6: Continue


Step 7: Continue

Stableize magnifying glass

Step 8: Paint Some More

Remove the glass and paint it as black as it can get.

Step 9: Finished, Now How to Use It

Now learn how to use it

Step 10: Follow Photos

Step 11: Done! :)

Green Design Contest

Participated in the
Green Design Contest

Glue Contest

Participated in the
Glue Contest

Epilog Challenge VI

Participated in the
Epilog Challenge VI