One of the best advantages Spirulina can provide that in case of radiation. In today’s world, where we find a climate full of green house gases which are not only damaging our health but it also creating many problems. Radiation is one of the major harm caused by green house gases, but we don’t need to worry at all, la spiruline can protect us from radiations too. Yes! It’s true.

Spirulina has Iodine which not only protects our thyroid but also glandular tissues in our body. Spirulina is enriched with phyto pigments, which strengthens antioxidants and reduces free radical damage from radiation, as well as from pollutants etc, these pigments may also explain spirulinas’s anti-inflammatory properties. It is high in methallo-thionine compounds that binds the heavy radioactive isotopes and eliminate them from the body. Majority of the radioactive isotopes are absorbed by our intestines it has a capability to protect from gamma rays too.

Spirulina has many blood strengthening properties it means it has the ability to be chemo protective and radio protective. Immune cells which are highly radio sensitive and considered to be good indicators for biological effects occurring at molecular levels. Also it protects kidneys, which are supposed to suffer damage after radioactive exposure.