Introduction: DS Lite to Gameboy

Has your top screen of your ds lite broke well don't fret because I have an tutorial on how to turn it into a new Gameboy!

Step 1: Step 1:

First you must remove all the rubbers front and behind of your broken ds then you must open the screws.You will need a tri-wing screwdiver to open them, once opened you will need to remove the broken top screen of the ds and throw that away.

Step 2: Step 2:

If your DS just flickers and turns off then you might have to bridge solder these to points.

Step 3: Finishing Touches

After you have done that you must enclose the ds and screw in all of the screws, make sure it's tight and then there you have it! Your very own SSGBA! (SINGLE screen game boy advance)

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