Introduction: Deathly Hallows Necklace

About: I love anything craft or fandom related. (Both combined is the best)

This is a fun and easy Deathly Hallows Fandom necklace - make for a friend, as a gift, or for yourself! All you need are wire, chain, and jewelry pliers. If you want to buy this from me, here is the link to buy my necklace:

Step 1: Materials

What you'll need:

  • 20 gauge jewelry wire
  • 28 gauge jewelry wire
  • Silver chain
  • Silver clasp
  • Jewelry pliers
  • Super glue or similar

Step 2: Make the Invisibility Cloak

Make a loop around you needle nose pliers at the end of the 20 gauge wire. Shape around you pliers to form a triangle, and close the end just under the loop at the beginning. Cut off extra wire.

Step 3: Make the Resurrection Stone

Shape the 20 gauge wire around a sharpie or pen to get a circle that fits perfectly inside the triangle.

Step 4: Make the Elder Wand

Cut 20 gauge wire just barely over the length of the triangle.

Step 5: Glue on the Elder Wand

Superglue the wire line onto the triangle. Or, if you prefer, make a longer line and bend wire around triangle instead of glueing it. This is way is harder, but keeps it from falling off.

Step 6: Attach the Resurrection Stone

Using 28 gauge silver wire, bind the circle inside the triangle. Attach chain and jump ring to triangle and a clasp to the end of the chain. You can also make two and attach them to earring hooks.

You project is now complete!

Homemade Gifts Contest 2015

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Homemade Gifts Contest 2015

Jewelry Contest

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Jewelry Contest

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Leftovers Challenge