Introduction: Delicious 4 Ingredient Pikelets

Quick, easy and delicious pikelets. Makes 12.

Things you'll need:

Olive oil
1 Banana 

Step 1:

Add 1 peeled and diced banana, 1 and a half tablespoons of oats, one teaspoon of cinnamon and two cracked eggs into a bowl, mash with the masher until all is mixed and the banana is mostly not lumpy. 

Step 2:

Heat a pan on a low heat, pour a little olive oil into the pan and place a large tablespoon of mixture into the pan.

Step 3:

Use the spatula to keep checking the bottom of the pikelets, once golden brown flip.

Step 4:

Once both sides are golden brown take the pikelet and put it on another plate, repeat for other pikelets. Serve with your favourite toppings.

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Snack Food Contest

Comfort Food Contest

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Comfort Food Contest