Introduction: Detonator Box Ignition Fireworks Pyro Box Electronic Igniter

About: I would really like a lot of tips for my projects Thanks LARS

A really cool device you can use for detonating your fireworks and other things, safe and very cool. Quite simpel!
In the pictures are the things you will need

Schematic is on the first instruction page

For all those people writing really nice comments with things which could be improved on the pyro detonator, I improved it the way you asked so here is the link to the pyro detonator 2:

Step 1: Connect Up the Upper End of the Circuit and the Lower End

Connect the switches so that the toggle switch becomes the on off switch, and that the push button also is in the circuit so that the push button completes the other end of the circuit. Now make the LED's. Connect 1 to light up for power on and the other so that it lights up when you detonate.

Now connect up the lower end of the circuit one end goes to the 10 meter wire and the other into the box, then to the battery, you can also include a main switch.

There is a schematic drawing

Step 2: Finalisation

Now lastly have a small copper wire from the 2 poles and have a match or a fuse between it, this will ignite it.
Just turn it on and press the FIRE button.