Introduction: Draft Detectors

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Chilly money sapping drafts are a pain - these simple units help to pin point areas of concern

Step 1: Materials -

Not much - A sheet of A4 printer paper - 3+ Pins - a small Pedestal - Blue Tak - Scissors

Step 2: Step 1

Assuming we are going to make three units - take your A4 paper and mark down 4inches from the top, cut a strip and fold it in half - repeat until you have three 2 inch strips, this is your basic structure

Step 3: Step 2

Take a folded strip and with the crease at the top mark a line one inch from the edge - carry that up towards the crease until you are 10mm away, put in a curve to follow for cutting.
Mark down 10mm from the spine and carry that along until your two lines intersect and using scissors cut out the L shaped profile

Step 4: Step 3

Take one of the short fat legs and fold it upwards - note the position of the fold - about half inch/12mm from the crease - you now have two parts that make up the rear vane, one (the lower) longer than the other

Step 5: Step 4

Take the end of the long shaft and spread it open to a distance of about two inches to make a horizontal paddle shape (I rounded the end for aesthetics) - this is your rising/falling vane

Step 6: Step 5

Take a pin, a small base or a big blob of blue tak and fix the pin into/onto it - the pin needs to be high enough so that the complete unit can move freely around in a circle and to some extent up/down - - - - repeat all stages until you have three or more units complete

Step 7: Step 7

Place the multiple units around a suspect area to confirm a source of a draft or like me ( unsure of the exact problem points - turned out to be multiple ) use the units to map out a room - larger diagram, red circles indicating problem areas.
Map out a room and address the issues - you will be surprised how long it takes once ya get going.

Step 8:

Hand Tools Only Contest 2016

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Hand Tools Only Contest 2016

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Participated in the
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