Introduction: Earring Display

A simple way to display earrings.

Step 1: Materials

A picture frame, decorative aluminum grating, hot glue gun and glue, wood scraps, ruler, pen, picture hanger.

Step 2: Adjusted the Frame

Added some scraps of wood to make the frame sit further from the wall, used the hot glue

Step 3: Measure and Cut

Took the cardboard out of the frame and used it as a template to cut the grate. I used heavy shears but kitchen shears would have worked.

Step 4: Glue It

Glued all around the back to keep it from falling out or moving.

Step 5: Added a Hanger

Selected a hanger, measured to find the center, hammered it on.

Step 6: Hung on Some Earrings

Would have looked better if I had painted the grating but this one is as you see it.

Organization Contest

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Organization Contest