Introduction: Easy and Tasty Turkey Wrap

A Semi- Healthy snack that is delicious.

You need some turkey lunch meat, cheese sauce, and a soft tortilla.

Step 1: Put Some Cheese on the Tortilla

Just scoop the wanted amount of cheese on the tortilla

Step 2: Microwave

Put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds.

Step 3: Spread the Cheese

Spread the melted cheese over the tortilla.

Step 4: Place Turkey

Place the slice of lunch meat like so on to the tortilla.

Step 5: Wrap It!

I roll one side up half and then the other and fold both ends, but, you may fold how you like.

Step 6: Enjoy!

I like to have mine with a nice Diet A&W Root beer or another pop (soda, soft drink, or w/e you call it).

This was my first instructable so please don't be harsh on comments.