Introduction: Egg Toast

About: I am a high school senior in Texas, i enjoy building things, cooking, and the outdoors.

in this instructables i will provide you with step by step instructions on how to cook up a delicious breakfast of eggs and toast. the twist is that they are cooked into one! i hope you enjoy

Step 1: Ingredients

you will need:

1. bread

2. 1 egg for every piece of bread

3. a cookie cutter or some kind of circular cutter

4. pan

Step 2: Bread Prep

to begin get the bread and cookie cutter/lid and cut out a circle. you can use any kind of shapes to make it fun.

Step 3: Toasting

once you have prepared the bread turn the stove on to medium high heat and place some butter or oil down. next toss the bread down , immediately after place one egg in each hole.

Step 4: Flipping

you can tell the bottom of the egg is done when the egg is cloudy, this is when you flip it.

Step 5: Left Overs

if you don't want to waste the bread that was cut out you can make a "bagel"

Step 6: Conclusion

over all i would recommend making this because it was pretty good. i hope you enjoyed and if you did remember to like comment and if you aren't already subscribe. i would like to eventually reach 100 subscribers so please share this with your friends thanks and bye.

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