Introduction: English Scones

About: I like to make everything and anything! from electronics to food! and i'll be showing you all the things i come up with here! Twitter: @ERILtech

With only three ingredients these Scones are incredibly easy to make and are perfect for afternoon tea or any sort of get together.

This recipe makes about 16 Scones

Step 1: What You'll Need


Some plain flour to coat your working surface


  1. 2 Cups of Self raising flour
  2. 1 Teaspoon of caster sugar
  3. 300ml of Thickened Cream


  1. Jams
  2. Whipped cream
  3. Butter
  4. Honey


  1. Large mixing bowel
  2. Various measuring cups/spoons
  3. Mixing spoon
  4. Rolling pin
  5. Round Pastry cutter (6cm)
  6. Baking tray
  7. Cooling rack
  8. Oven

Step 2: Creating the Dough


Before creating the dough it would be best to now preheat your oven to 180C (350F)

Mixing time

To make the dough simply combine the measured amounts of flour, sugar and cream in the large mixing bowl and mix with a large mixing spoon until you form a soft uniform dough, make sure that all the ingredients are well combined.

Step 3: Cutting Into Shape

  1. On a lightly floured surface roll the dough into a ball and then flatten it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 1 inch (about 2.5 cm).
  2. Cover a baking tray with a single piece of baking paper (greased side up)
  3. Use a rounded pastry cutter dipped in flour to cut the dough into uniform circles and place them onto the baking tray.
  4. Re-Roll out the dough as needed to get as many circles as possible.

Step 4: Baking

Bake the Scones in the preheated oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

Once they are done remove them from the baking tray and place them onto a cooling rack.

Step 5: Serving

These scones can be served hot or cold with a number of toppings.

My favorite would be freshly whipped and Strawberry Jam!

Thanks for reading!


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