Introduction: FUNBOT

About: Computer Communication Engineer,Electronics Geek , DIY culture enthusiast, Robot builder, solution provider.
Its a custom made toy that's made from scratch, it is literally made to last and not break every once in a while. Enjoy !

I would personally like to see this developed into a "make your own toy thing".
  • 2 DIY IR proximity sensors.
  • 1 Light dependent resistor
  • 1 l293d motor driver
  • 1 atmega328 with arduino bootloader
  • buzzer
  • small speaker
  • tamiya gearbox + tank treads
  • bump switch
  • some code

Feel free to ask questions.

Layout sensor board
Layout MCU board

Microcontroller Contest

Finalist in the
Microcontroller Contest

Toy Challenge

Participated in the
Toy Challenge