Introduction: Fix Toy Pony Hair

About: I like fixing and making things. Trynna get in the habit of completing small projects and work up from there.

How to tidy up frizzed up hair on a toy pony

Step 1: Wash Hair

Gently wash the pony hair with shampoo or soap, and water.

Step 2: Thread Conditioner

Apply a small amount of silicon based thread conditioner, shave lotion or hair aproduct. Work through the hair.

Step 3: Brush Hair

Use a normal brush or fingers, then a fine comb like a nit comb. I couldn't get one today.

Step 4: Trim the Remaining Frazzled Bits That Won't Smooth Out.

Some bits seem beyond help. Cut your losses and ship those bits off.

Step 5:

Step 6: Stylin'

Put a bit of hair gel on the hair and smooth into position. The mane kept sticking out in ridiculous ways, so I secured it with a. small elastic band overnight.