Introduction: Foraging for My Supper

About: I'm a physics and chemistry teacher at a public school in Maryland and active in my local science teacher's association. I love building things and am teaching myself how to use arduino in electronics projects…

I'm writing this while staying home during the Corona Virus pandemic. I wanted some fresh greens, and taking a careful look around the yard noticed some nice juicy looking chickweed plants.

Whenever you go foraging for food in the wilds, make sure you know what you are eating and that it is in fact safe to eat. Also make sure you are foraging somewhere you know for sure is free of dangerous pesticides.

Fortunately my yard has lots of chickweed which I have eaten for years, and I never use pesticides on my property so that isn't a worry for me.

Step 1: Gathering the Chickweed

So I took a stroll outside, found some nice healthy looking plants and gathered them for my supper.

Step 2: Cleaning the Chickweed

Since chickweed grows very low to the ground, make sure to wash it really well. I rinse it in a colander under cold water. There are few things worse then sand and grit in your food!

Step 3: Boiling the Chickweed

Put a pot of water on the stove and once its boiling add the chickweed. Boil the chickweed for two minutes, stirring as it cooks.

Step 4: Seasoning and Serving the Chickweed

After cooking, drain out the water, add a liberal amount of salt and fresh ground black pepper and a dollop of butter and enjoy!

It tastes just like cooked spinach, and has lots of great vitamins just like other dark green veggies!

Kitchen Compromises Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Kitchen Compromises Speed Challenge