Introduction: Frozen Nutty Banana Bites

About: I enjoy crafting, photography, gardening and cooking. I am an avid cooking contester and I have won several national contests.

In the summertime, I love to eat a cold frozen treat after working outside in my garden. For this Instructable, I wanted to make something cold, rich, satisfying and tasty. These bites sure do hit the spot perfectly and they are very easy to prepare. No plate just pop one into your mouth!!! I hope you try this recipe for Frozen Nutty Banana Bites. See if you can eat just one!

Step 1: Ingredients Needed

2 vanilla wafer cookies

1/2 cup peanut butter

2 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup

2 ripe medium bananas

1/4 cup peanuts

1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

1/2 tablespoon coconut oil

Step 2: Supplies

Butter knife

sharp knife

cutting board




silicone mat

1/2 sheet pan

small ziploc bag

Step 3: Start With a Baking Sheet

Line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or waxed paper.

Step 4: Slice the Bananas

Peel the bananas. Cut each into 1/4-inch slices. Place the slices on the lined baking sheet.

Step 5: Now Chop!

Coarsely chop the peanuts.

Step 6: Chop the Cookies

Place the vanilla wafers in the ziploc bag and seal. Using the back end of a butter knife, tap the cookies to break them up and turn them into a powder.

Step 7: The Peanut Butter Mixture

In a small bowl, stir together the peanut butter, vanilla wafer powder and maple syrup until well combined.

Step 8: Top the Bananas

Spoon and spread the peanut butter mixture on top of each banana slice.

Step 9: Melt the Chocolate

Place the chocolate chips and coconut oil in a microwaveable bowl. Microwave at 50% power in 30 second increments until the chocolate stirs smooth.

Step 10: Dip Them!

Dip the bottom of each banana into the melted chocolate and place back on the baking sheet.

Step 11: Spoon on Chocolate

Spoon and spread the chocolate over top of the peanut butter coated bananas.

Step 12: Add Chopped Peanuts

Sprinkle the tops with the chopped roasted peanuts.

Place the baking sheet in the freezer until the banana bites harden.

Step 13: Ready to Enjoy!

And here are the Frozen Nutty Banana Bites! You can store them in a covered container in your freezer. Pop one into your mouth whenever you get a craving for one. You and your family will enjoy each and every sinfully cold bite!!!!

Frozen Treats Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Frozen Treats Speed Challenge