Introduction: Glitter Magnets Made With Nail Polish

About: I'm a professional writer and an amateur sewist, builder, hot gluer, dremel user, crocheter, painter, paper crafter, and baker.

When I found out Instructables was having a Glitter Challenge, I just knew I had to enter it. I've been mulling for a few days on what to make and last night, I finally thought of something -- refrigerator magnets made with glittery nail polish! These are super easy to make and you could probably pump out a few dozen in an hour.

Step 1: Supplies

You'll need those clear, flat-backed vase-fillers, a glue gun, glue sticks, glittery nail polish, a solid nail polish of the same color and strong refrigerator magnet backs.

Step 2: Paint on the Glitter

Lie the marble on its front and start painting the flat back with glitter! You'll probably have to do a few coats depending on how coarse the glitter in your nail polish is.

Step 3: Paint on the Solid!

When the glitter nail polish is completely dry, paint on your solid.

Step 4: Glue the Magnet!

After the solid nail polish dries, you're going to grab a magnet back and hot glue it on.

Step 5: Let Dry

Let dry and put 'em on your fridge!

Pretty easy right? I absolutely love the way they turned out.