Introduction: Great Pocket-sized Puzzle

This puzzle is a great nerve racker, this thing will eat your brain for lunch!

Step 1: Materials

This a very good/ easy puzzle to make all you need is:
Cardboard, any size will do
String, any kind will do
A small key or a ring

Step 2: Cutting the Cardboard

Cut the cardboard to the size you wish, I keep mine about palm size

Step 3: Cut Your String

Cut the string to about a 1 foot and tie a knot around one end.

Step 4: The Making of the Puzzle

Make two small holes at the sides of the piece of cardboard
Make a third larger hole in the middle but make sure the key/ring can't pass through it.
Put the string through on of the holes until it catches on the knot you made.
Then put it through the center hole and loop it around the string. Make sure your key/ring is on it.
Then run it through the hole again then string it through the loop.

Step 5: Ta Da!

Finish it off and, there you have it!

Your puzzle is now finished!
The objective is to get the ring to the other loop, ca you do it?

Make sure to vote for me!

Pocket-Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket-Sized Contest