Introduction: HHO Generator

An HHO or Brown gas generator is an interesting and often misunderstood technology.
The Brown gas generator uses electrolysis to split water (H2O) into it´s base molecules, 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen molecule.
This is why it is often referred to as an HHO gas generator.

Step 1: Stuff You'll Need

An empty cup
Dc 5v power supply (You can also use batteries)
Glue gun
Two plated nails 
Two rubber washers 
Cardboard strip
Stripped copper wires
Led light

Step 2: Getting Started

Fill the cup till there's about a centimeter of space left.

Step 3: Starting the Electrolysis Process

Add about one teaspoon of salt to the water.

Mix desently!

Step 4: Starting the Base

Attach your strip of cardboard across the middle using hot-glue. 

Step 5: Adding the Nails

Attach e the DC power to the nails. Now hot glue the nails to the cardboard

Step 6: Adding the Led Light

Push the led light though the rubber washer. 

Now add a copper wire to the negitive lead.

Step 7: Adding the Led to the Build

Hot-Glue the washer to the cardboard.

Put the negitive lead into water. Now attach the postive lead to the nail.

Then add the second washer on top.

Step 8: You Did It!

Now plug in your power source, You'll see a reaction starting on one of the nails, This is HHO. The other nail is oxygen.

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