Introduction: Healthy Juices and Their Benefits

About: Kriti is a digital marketing expert who loves to write on various topics like finance, marketing etc. Her articles have appeared on various websites. She contributes articles about finance and marketing to web…

We are subjected to the harsh effects of

pollution and other environmental factors on a daily basis. This can strip our body of nutrients and leave us feeling weak and lethargic. Fortunately, the secret to good health can be found in nature which holds the answer to all your ailments and diseases.

Natural extracts and juices have the extraordinary ability to heal your body and cure your ailments. Since they are natural, there is no risk of side effects as well.

Learn the benefits of some healthy juices here-

Aloe Vera juice

Aloe Vera is an extremely beneficial plant with anti-inflammatory properties that heals disorders like rheumatism and arthritis, if consumed daily. Apart from that, it aids in digestion and keeps the cholesterol level low. Studies have also shown that this wonder plant can regulate blood sugar levels and stabilize metabolic rate, thus helping you burn fat and lose extra kilos.

Dosage- Have 1-2 teaspoonful of aloe vera juice with one glass of water every day.

Amla juice

Rich in natural antioxidants and Vitamin C, Amla helps regulate metabolism, flushes out toxins, purifies blood and improves the health of skin and hair. It also acts as a colon cleanser and bowel regulator. Moreover, drinking amla juice everyday has also been known to relieve asthma and bronchitis.

Dosage- Have 2 teaspoonful of amla juice with equal quantity of water on an empty stomach every morning.

Triphala juice

Triphala juice is a traditional ayurvedic herbal formulation made from three fruits- amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki. It keeps the gastrointestinal tract healthy, boosts your digestion and assists in curing anemia and gall stones. Triphala induces the production of blood cells and purifies blood as well. Regular intake can keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Dosage- Drink 60ml of Triphala juice daily before having your meal. It can be diluted with water if necessary.

Noni juice

Noni is a medicinal plant that is used to cure a host of ailments including diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, muscle pain, constipation and liver disease. This potent antioxidant has miraculous antifungal, antibacterial, antipsychotic and anti-inflammatory properties that keep your body healthy and boost energy levels, increasing your immunity power. Noni is also known to prevent the risk of cancer.

Dosage- Have two tablespoonful of noni juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Lauki juice

Bottle gourd or lauki has a cooling effect on the body as it contains almost 92% water. So the juice can be consumed in summer to reduce excessive body heat. Apart from that, it helps relieve sleep disorder, regulates blood pressure and keeps the heart healthy. It is also used in the treatment of diarrhea, constipation, liver inflammation and urinary infections.

Dosage-Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily with equal quantity of water.

Incorporating these healthy juices in your day-to-day routine will surely elevate the condition of your life and help you lead a disease-free life in the long run. Be sure to consult a doctor before you start taking them, to determine the correct dosage based on your medical history.