Introduction: Homestyle Baked Beans

About: I enjoy crafting, photography, gardening and cooking. I am an avid cooking contester and I have won several national contests.

My husband was taught how to make baked beans by his Aunt Jean before we were married. She threw in a little of this and a little of that and topped it with strips of raw bacon. My husband showed me how to make them when we were newlyweds and they have been a family favorite ever since, especially at the holidays. I did figure approximately how much of each ingredient to use. If you make this delicious recipe, you can adjust the ingredients to suit your own taste buds. Here is how you can easily make them!!!!

Step 1: Ingredients Needed

3 (19.75-ounce) cans pork and beans

1 tablespoon yellow mustard

1 tablespoon instant minced onions

3/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup maple syrup

1 tablespoon molasses

1/4 cup catsup

1/4 cup barbecue sauce

3 strips bacon, cut in half

Step 2: Supplies

3 quart casserole dish

silicone scraper

measuring cups

tablespoon measure


Step 3: Start With the Beans

Pour the beans into the casserole dish.

Step 4: Add Ingredients

Add the mustard and instant minced onions.

Step 5: Add More

Add the brown sugar, maple syrup and molasses.

Step 6: Just 2 More Additions

Add the catsup and barbecue sauce.

Step 7: Time to Stir!

Stir to combine all of the ingredients being sure to mix at the edges too.

Step 8: Set the Oven Temperature

Heat the oven to 275 degrees F.

Step 9: Top It and Cover

Place bacon over the top of the beans. Cover with the casserole lid.

Step 10: Bake Them!

Place casserole dish in the oven. I actually doubled the recipe and made 2 pots of beans! We eat some of them and freeze the rest in portions.

Step 11: Set the Timer

Set the timer for 6 hours.

Step 12: Check for Doneness

At 6 hours, check to see if the beans are done to your liking. If the sauce sticks on a spoon, that's when I know they are done. If they aren't thick enough, put them back in the oven and check them every 30 minutes.

Step 13: Ready to Enjoy!

So that is how easy it is to make real homestyle baked beans. They could also be made in a slow cooker instead of in a casserole dish in the oven by using the same cooking directions. They could be made with vegetarian beans without bacon for meatless beans. It's your choice! I try to make them at least twice during the year so we always have some in the freezer. I hope you try out this recipe! I think you will love them as much as we do!!!

Home Cooked Speed Challenge

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Home Cooked Speed Challenge