Introduction: Honeycomb Plug (lobe Jewelry)

About: I am a business owner. I have been making and building things longer than I can remember. I love to work for fun and work to build the next project. I am a beekeeper. The work involved in that is nothing more …

Figured it was a good time to stretch one of my lobes. So I built a new plug on my 3D printer for my left lobe.

Step 1: Machine on the Job

On CAD I designed the wearable to be 9/16" wide and the diameter to be 1" 7/8" diameter. Set it all over to the 3D printer. 1 hour and 23 minutes later it was done.

Step 2: Enter the Lobe

Got it off the heated build platform and let it cool down some. A good 10 minutes later it was a perfect fit. Thank you for taking your time to check my project out. It means a great deal to me.

3D Printing Contest 2016

Participated in the
3D Printing Contest 2016

Beyond the Comfort Zone Contest

Participated in the
Beyond the Comfort Zone Contest