Introduction: Horizontal Double Helix Wind Turbine

This is my first instuctable, so bear with me. This instructable will show you how to build a horizontal double helix wind turbine.This generates 100 percent green electricity. This is my own design. I've tested this design and found that it works well. This design similar to this is a vertical double helix wind turbine. This wind turbine is easy to build and anyone can do it. So lets begin by going to the first step.

Step 1: Things You Will Need.

Parts list:
1. A long pipe with an interior diameter no smaller in interior diameter than 3 inches (the bigger the interior diameter of the pipe, the better)

2. 8 bolts or screws that can reach the radius of your pipe (these will be used to hold your ball bearings in place (see item 6))

3. A rod 1foot longer than your pipe

4. Fasteners to hold the forms of the wind turbine blade in place

5. Three Forms(These are made by taking the interior diameter of the pipe (in inches)-subtracting 1/2 inch to get the length of the form, adding 1/2 inch to the diameter of the rod to get the width,and by cutting the diamond shape out of 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch thick wood).

6. 2 ball bearings, 1for each end of the pipe. (The diameter of the inner ring of the ball bearings should be the same or slightly larger than the exterior diameter of the rod).

7. 2 small pieces of pipe that fit snugly around the ball bearings.

8.Some 1 millimeter thick foam

9. Something to mount your wind turbine mount to (I used a tripod made for mounting large satellite dishes on).

10. Something to mount you wind turbine on (I used PVC pipe, zip ties, and rubber strips to mount my wind turbine.

11. A DC motor or alternator to generate electricity with. ( I used an RC car motor)

12. Something to connect your rod to your generator (I used a wooden dowel with a hole drilled through the center).

13. Some wood to make the tail fin for the wind turbine and the three forms.

14. PVC pipe to attach your tail fin to your wind turbine pipe.

15. Duct Tape (to hold certain things together)
(Its the best stuff in the world):-)

16. Something to attach your generator to the wind turbine tube with ( I used wood and zip ties).

Everything mentioned here can be bought at Home Depot except for the generator/ DC motor/ alternator, the tripod, and maybe the foam.

Tools You Will Need
1. A Hack Saw

2. A drill

3. A drill bit the same size as the bolts or screws used to hold your ball bearings in place

4. A drill bit the same size as your rod.

5. Utility knife for cutting the foam.

6. Measuring tape or ruler.

7. Wrench(s) if you use nuts as fasteners.

8. Stapler/ Staple Gun for stapling the foam to the wood forms.

8. Table Saw (optional--- it just makes life easier).

Step 2: Setting Up the Double Helix Wind Turbine Pipe

If you do use a 3 inch diameter pipe, I suggest that you make a funnel at the wind receiving end of the pipe. A large pipe will make your wind turbine much more efficient and will require a lower wind speed for the blade inside the pipe to turn.
The things you will need for this part are: A drill, a Drill bit the same size as the bolts or screws used to hold your ball bearings in place, your pipe, your bolts or screws, and you measuring tape.
1. Measure the outer circumference of your pipe.

2. Divide the circumference by 4

3. Drill four holes, (1/4) of the circumference of the pipe apart (1/2) inch away from each end of the pipe.

4. Place a bolt or screw in each hole that you have drilled.
Congratulations!!! Your done with setting up the Double Helix Wind Turbine Pipe

Step 3: Making the Forms

These are made by taking the interior diameter of the pipe (in inches)-subtracting 1/2 inch to get the length of the three forms, adding 1/2 inch to the diameter of the rod to get the width of the forms ,and by cutting the diamond shape out (with your hack saw or table saw) of 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch thick wood. Then drill a hole through the center of each of the three forms using the drill bit that is the same size as your rod. See the first picture for an example of the calculations. See the second picture for a look at what the finished forms looks like.

Step 4: Making the Tail Fin

For this part of the Wind Turbine you will need: A drill bit the same size as the bolts, a large piece of flat wood, (1/4)to (1/2) inches thick, (1 1/2) inch diameter PVC pipe, 1.5 feet long, 2 bolts, 2 nuts that fit on the bolts, measuring tape or measuring device, and a hack saw or band saw.
1. Cut out a gap as thick as your flat piece of wood and 6 inches long out of each side of one end of the pipe.
2. Cut out a gap (1/8) inch wider than the thickness of the pipe with the 8 bolts in it, and on the other end perpendicular to the cut on the other end of the pipe.
3. Cut off one side of the pipe where the gap (1/8) inch wider than your pipe is.
4. Find the center of the longest side of you flat piece of wood.
5. Put the center of the side your piece of wood in the 6 inch groove in your short piece of PVC pipe.
6. Drill two holes all the way through the pipe sides and wood using the drill bit the same size as the bolts.
7.Drill a hole in the end of the short cut remaining peice of pipe ( see images)
7. Put a bolt through each hole in the pipe that is connected to the wood and fasten a nut on each of the bolts.
Your done with the tail fin.

Step 5: Biulding the Double Helix Wind Turbine Blade

This step will show you how to build the blade for the Wind Turbine.
You will need:
1.Your rod that is one foot longer than your pipe (I used two threaded rods fastened together with a threaded pipe)
2. Your three forms (Check step three)
3. Fasteners to fasten your forms to your rod (I used six nuts that fit on my threaded rod)
4. Some 1 millimeter foam ( length = 3 inches shorter than the length of your pipe/ width = 2.5 times the length of the forms
5.Utility knife for cutting the foam.
6. Measuring tape
7. Staple gun and staples for fastening the foam to the forms
8. Duct tape for keeping the edges of the wind turbine blade together
9. 2 bearings
10, 2 short pieces of pipe that fit snugly around the 2 ball bearings

Steps to make the Double Helix Wind Turbine Blade:
1. Take the length of your pipe, subtract three inches, and divide it by two. You should get a value in inches.

2. Take and your three forms the previous step's value and place them three inches from one end of your rod and place them the previously determined value apart. Make sure that you place a nut on each side of each of the forms and turn and fasten your forms at right angles to each other (see the pictures for calculations and diagrams for steps one and two.

3. Measure the length of the sides of your forms ( the sides of the diamond shape)

4. Cut two lengths of 1 millimeter thick foam, three inches shorter than your pipe, and as wide as the resulting value of the previous step.

5. Staple the the foam to your rod and forms to create the double helix shape.

6. Tape the edges of the foam pieces together.

7. Place a bearing in a short small pipe and place the bearing on the rod. Do this for each end of the rod.

You are done with the wind turbine blade.

Step 6: Making the Funnel

You only need to use a funnel at the of your wind turbine tube when you when the wind turbine tube's diameter is less than 1foot.
Things you will need:

1. Some 1 millimeter foam
2. Duct tape

1. Take a piece of your 1 mm thick foam, and form it into a funnel shape.
2. Tape the funnel together.

That's it, go on to the last step

Step 7: Putting It All Together

Ah... finally---the last step. Here is where everything comes together to make the Horizontal Double Helix Wind Turbine. Here are the things you will need:
1. The products of all the previous steps.
2. Duct tape
3. Zip ties
4. Something to connect your generator to your wind turbine blade
5. Something to attach you wind turbine to (aka your wind turbine mount)

Here are the steps:
1. Place your wind turbine blade inside of your wind turbine pipe. Adjust the screws or bolts you have previously place at the ends of your pipe so that the bearings you have placed on your rod are firmly stuck in the center of you pipe. Your wind turbine blade should spin freely inside the pipe.

2. Attach your funnel (if needed) to the end of the pipe that does not have the rod sticking out of it. (I used Duct tape to attach my funnel to my pipe)

3. Attach you tail fin to the pipe at the end where the rod sticks out using one of the the bolts or screws you used to position your bearings.

4 Attach the product of the previous three steps to the wind turbine mount. (I used Duct tape
and zip ties for this step)

5. Attach your generator to your rod and to you tail fin.

Congratulations!!!!!! You are done with your double helix wind turbine!!!!!!
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