Introduction: Hot Chocolate Festive Dunk, DIY

About: Hey! I'm Mon from Portugal and I love food! Especially desserts! I have a youtube channel full of delicious videos! I'm no professional but I sure do enjoy experimenting new things and share those with everyo…

Can you imagine sitting with your family in front of the fire place, watching some christmas movie while having a festive hot chocolate?! Sounds wonderful..

Here's a cute and christmassy dunk idea for your hot chocolate! Who's going to give it a try? If you do please send me a picture or tag me on Instagram because I would love to see. #monamiedesserts

You will need:

  • 2 chocolate bars
  • marshmallows
  • 2 peppermint candy canes
  • 200 ml of milk

Click HERE for the video!

Merry Christmas!