Introduction: How to Care for Your Scottish Fold Cat

About: I love cats and any animals really! I love minecraft and making things for pets. Tell me what you think about my INSCRUTABLES by commenting!

Scottish fold cats are wonderful pets with a beautiful appearance. If you are having trouble with caring for one, read this guide!

Step 1: Appearance

Scottish folds are beautiful cats. If you breed two Scottish folds together, the baby wont have floppy ears. An average Scottish fold has ears that flop forward and a extremely short neck. They can have long or short fur. They grow quite slowly and can be very tiny at the age of 2.

Step 2: Behavior

Scottish folds are very friendly cats that love to be by their owners. They love company. They get along well with other pets and are very playful. My Scottish fold Louie a.k.a meats can get scared of loud nosies.

Step 3: Health Issues

Scottish folds have many health issues. They are very prone to muscle and joint issues, and can get stiff tails by stroking theirs. They can get ear infections, just like mine.

Step 4: Grooming

Short haired Scottish folds don't need much brushing, and they lick themselves. Long haired Scottish folds need constant brushing, because they get knotty very quickly.

Step 5: Other Bits and Bobs

Scottish folds can live up to 18 years! They can get 12 lbs and are very quiet, but they can meow very loud in an emergency. They can sit in the 'Buddha position' Which is them sitting up wright with their paws on their stomach.(p.s the photo is a Scottish fold doing the 'Buddha position'

Step 6: Thanks!

Please comment! P.s that black and white cat is mine