Introduction: How to Draw Using the Shape Method

About: I am an 80's girl and I love animals.

Be patient and the more you do it the better it works materials ruler pencil time eraser. I did it in pen so you could see it better but do it in pencil.

Step 1: Step One

Draw 8 dots each an inch apart USING PENCIL except the last dot which should be half a inch apart from the rest.

Step 2: Step Two

Draw the head and make the neck about one centimeter above the second dot I forgot to do this so don't forget.

Step 3: Step Three

Draw the shoulders as big circles under the second dot it might look wire but once your done you can erase the inside lines

Step 4: Step Four

On top of the fourth line draw two ovals going outward in opposite directions then attach the shoulders and wast with a curved line.

Step 5: Step Five

Draw the thighs as stretched out foot foot balls and add little circles to the ends those circles are the knees.

Step 6: Step Six

Draw two more shorter stretched out foot balls with circles at the end forming the lower leg and ankles

Step 7: Step Seven

Now draw the feet how ever. Now the arms are just like the legs and draw the hands how you like as well.

Step 8: Step Eight Draw Clothes

Draw clothes and add other stuff