Introduction: How to Make EPICKS (Guitar Picks)

Here's what you'll need:
- One guitar pick (epic or non-epic, it doesnt matter)
- Scissors
- Giftcard(s) that have no more money
- A pen (preferably Sharpie)

Step 1: Trace

First thing you need to do is take the guitar pick you have and put it directly onto the giftcard. Make sure you have it positioned how you want the pick to look. In my experience, I found that placing it on the logo of whatever giftcard it is gets the best effect. Anyways, all you have to do is trace around the guitar pick you already have with the pen. Yes, that's right. Write directly onto the giftcard.

Step 2: Cutting

After you have traced the guitar pick onto the giftcard, look to make sure that the outline is around the part you want on your pick. If it is, use the scissors to cut along the outline of the pick. If it is NOT, however, I can't help you there. You just kinda screwed up. If this does happen to you, see if the place you want to move it to has any pen on it. If it does, I think you should just scrap the card and start over. If it has no pen, you're lucky. (Before you cut it out, make sure you have it positioned how you want the pick to look. In my experience, I found that placing it on the logo of whatever giftcard it is gets the best effect.) ((Also, I recognize that the 2 actual pictures in this publishment are not mine.)) (((that was a disclaimer... Better safe than sued, I always say...)))

Step 3: Use Your New EPICK

Yup, that's really all there is to it. I could've spent more time on this and put up pics of ones I've made (Chick-Fil-A, Jack in the Box, Chipotle, etc.) but that would require effort... and a camera. Either way, I hope you enjoyed this. Have fun, and rock on!         |m|/ ( >< ) \|m|