Introduction: How to Make Freinds

Go to your public library. There's probably some lonely kid at your local library and if you don't have any friends there's probably a lonely kid who doesn't have any friends either

Step 1: Step 1

There probably a lonely kid at your local library so I suggest going to your local library and finding one

Step 2: Step 2

As you walk toward the door don't be afraid to open it. You need friends like that lonely kid needs friends too

Step 3: Step 3

As you look around for a friend you notice a kid in the corner of the library who is also lonely

Step 4: Step 4

Walk over next to your almost new friend and I suggest thinking of what to say to your new friend

Step 5: Step 5

Say hi and make peace with your new friend. You guys are going to be freinds for quite a while probably

Step 6: Step 6

Talk about similar interests you have. It will strengthen your bond as freinds

Step 7: Step 7

Congratulations! You have made your first friend. You will go far in life as you will be together for ever